Makar Sankranti is celebrated in Paush month during Shukla Paksha, according to Hindu Panchang. For individuals who believe in Hinduism, this event is extremely significant. Furthermore, it is the same day that the Sun moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn. In this light, the significance of this day grows exponentially.

It is said that during Makar Sankranti, individuals who donate according to their financial ability receive immense benefits. Lord Sun also blesses them with the fulfilment of all their life's desires. The Kharmas period will end on January 14, Makar Sankranti. Following this, auspicious events such as marriage, Mundan, and home entrance will begin.

In Hinduism, the day of Makar Sankranti is crucially significant. Donating on this day is thought to fulfil all of one's life desires. It is also effective in achieving pleasure, tranquillity, and financial prosperity. Here are some of the simple and precise remedies you can use to bring prosperity to your life: 

  • On Makar Sankranti, soak sesame seeds in water before taking a bath. Bathing in sesame water is regarded as extremely auspicious. By doing the same, one can also get rid of ailments.

  • If a person has been sick, it is recommended that he or she apply sesame paste on the day of Makar Sankranti. He or she should then take a bath. This contributes to healthy health.

  • After bathing on Makar Sankranti, mix some sesame seeds with water and offer it to Lord Sun. This aids in the illumination of ideas and the focus on accomplishments.

  • It is thought that providing blankets, warm clothes, Ghee, sesame, and other such items cleanses one of the unintentional faults and bestows tranquilly and wealth.

  • Keep Surya Yantra at home and recite Surya Mantra 501 times if the Sun is debilitated in Kundli.

  • To obtain Lord Sun's blessings on this day, prepare rice combined with jaggery and milk. In addition, raw rice and jaggery can be placed in a stream of water to please Lord Sun.

  • To decrease the negative effects (Doshas) of Lord Sun in Kundali, immerse a copper coin or a portion of a squared copper coin in a stream of water.

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