Karnataka police took 10 persons into custody for tying up and thrashing a 14-year-old Dalit boy in Chikkabllapur district after suspecting him of committing theft. The police, after a preliminary investigation, said that the boy has been shifted to a nearby hospital after taking beatings.

Meanwhile, the rural police station in Chikkaballapur has recorded the statements of the boy and his mother. After which a case has been registered under Inian Penal Code sections 143, 147, 323, 354, 355, 341, 448, 504, 506 and 149 and under sections 3(1)(r), 3(1)(s) and 3(1)(z) of the SC & ST Act of 2015.

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While giving a complaint to the police, the victim's mother said that her son was dragged out of his house, tied up to a pole and thrashed ruthlessly as he allegedly stole gold jewellery. Both mother and son sustained injuries during the scuffle, and were shifted to a nearby district hospital.

“I work as a mason and he is my second son. We did not even know why they were beating him black and blue. They have been admitted to the hospital and we do not know where to go now," the victim's father said, as quoted by IE.

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