The Karnataka High Court on Friday declined to intervene in the execution and operation of a resolution passed by the Hubballi-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) that permits four associations to observe the Ganesha festival at the Hubbali Idgah Maidan. On Friday, Justice Sachin Shankar Magadum, presiding at the Dharwad bench of the High Court, heard a petition filed by Anjuman-E-Islam challenging the resolution passed on August 31, news agency PTI reported.
The HDMC, the Mayor, and the State Urban Development Department were named as parties in the petition, as PTI's report.
Anjuman-E-Islam, claiming a 999-year lease on the over one-acre ground, argued in its petition that the HDMC's resolution, currently pending State Government approval, is entirely unlawful, arbitrary, and perverse.
The trust contended that this permission contravened the provisions of the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act and the Places of Worship Act. The petition sought the annulment of the Corporation's resolution on the grounds that it "unnecessarily ignites the passion and sentiments of both the communities." It emphasised the importance of maintaining peace, harmony, and order in society over deliberate attempts to fuel community sentiments, the report mentioned.
The leader of the opposition in the HDMC, Suvarna Manikuntla, contended that three resolutions were surreptitiously added to the additional list without the opposition's knowledge, including one granting permission for private organisations to conduct the Ganesha festival at the Maidan.
BJP Protests Alleged Delay In Ganeshotsav Permission At Idgah Maidan, Workers Burn CM Siddaramaiah's Effigy
Members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are staging protests against what they claim is a delay in granting permission for Ganeshotsav at Idgah Maidan. Karnataka BJP leaders and workers burnt the effigy of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in Hubbali over the installation of a Ganesh idol at Idgah Maidan.
Talking about roadblocks caused by the protest, Police Commissioner of Hubballi Dharwad, Renuka Sukumar told news agency ANI, "We have immediately diverted all the traffic. We have ensured that people need not face problems unnecessarily. You can see that the traffic movement has commenced normally now."
"They are protesting peacefully. We are also supporting them. We are not forcefully removing them," she added.
The BJP has accused Hubballi-Dharwad Mahanagara Palike Commissioner Eshwar Ullagaddi of procrastinating the decision to grant permission for the event. Protesters allege that local authorities are bowing to pressure from the Congress government in the state, PTI reported.
The BJP has urged the commissioner to expedite permission for the celebration of the Ganeshotsav festival at Idgah Maidan, Chennamma Circle, based on the Municipal Corporation's resolution. BJP council members, along with leaders and supporters led by MLA Arvind Bellad, met the Municipal Commissioner on Thursday to press for permission.
Frustrated by the lack of a positive response or assurance, they initiated an indefinite protest outside the Commissioner's office. During the protest, they sought permission to hold public celebrations for the Ganesh festival at Idgah Maidan and engaged in bhajans and musical performances, as per PTI.
Commissioner Ullagaddi clarified that he must consider various factors, including law and order, before making any decisions. He noted that he has sought the opinion of the Deputy Commissioner of Dharwad district regarding the matter.