In June, Goa will serve as the host for five significant meetings of the G20 summit, focusing on topics such as startups, finance, audit, and tourism, according to a senior official. These meetings will gather delegates from major economies worldwide, providing a platform for dialogue and cooperation on global challenges and issues, stated Sanjit Rodrigues, the nodal officer for G20 meetings in Goa.

Providing insights into the upcoming meetings, Chintan Vaishnav, Startup20 India Chair and Mission Director of Atal Innovation Mission, Niti Aayog, highlighted that Startup20 Goa Sankalpana would be the third meeting of the Startup20 Engagement Group for startups under the Indian Presidency of the G20. This meeting is scheduled to take place on June 3 and 4.

Vaishnav stated, "The meeting will serve as a platform for discussions on a common framework to define startups. G20 member countries, including India and the US, will deliberate on this topic to promote the growth of new ventures." The objective of the Goa meeting is to develop a framework that is applicable across all G20 countries.

The meeting will also focus on building consensus on the Draft Policy Communiqué, which was recently published by Startup20, seeking public opinions. The final communiqué will be presented at the Gurugram meeting scheduled for July 3 and 4. The engagement group has proposed a range of support measures for the sector based on the reports of its five task forces, covering foundation, alliances, finance, inclusion, and sustainability.

Rodrigues further explained that the International Financial Architecture Working Group (IFAWG) of the G20 will convene its third meeting in Goa from June 5 to 7. The objective of this meeting is to explore ways to enhance international financial architecture and address pressing issues in the global economy.

Additionally, the SAI20 Summit, a meeting of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of G20 countries, is scheduled to take place in Goa from June 12 to 14. The aim of this summit is to discuss and produce a consensus document in the form of a SAI20 communiqué.

The 4th Tourism Working Group Meeting, organized by the Ministry of Tourism, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), and WTTC (India initiative), will be held on June 19 and 20. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and address global challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector.

Furthermore, the ministerial meeting of the tourism working group is scheduled for June 21 and 22, with participation from tourism ministers of G20 countries and other invited guests. The meeting aims to discuss the outcomes of previous working group meetings and adopt a joint declaration on tourism cooperation.

The meetings in Goa will result in two official documents: a "Goa Roadmap" outlining a shared vision for the G20 tourism working group, addressing five key areas through policies, strategies, and practices, and a ministerial communiqué summarizing the main outcomes of the meeting, Rodrigues concluded.