Rapid Antigen Test: As the third wave of covid-19 is subsiding and children are getting vaccinated, schools are reopening in many countries. In order to be cautious, many parents will be using the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) to test their children at home. 

While many governments have recommended screening of students and staff at the school, it can be difficult for some parents if their children have any developmental or behavioral problems.

Here Is How One Can Do the Antigen Test At Home Safely

Prepare For The Test

It is important to prepare the child well to perform the test successfully and to tell them what will happen so that the situation can be manageable and the restlessness can be reduced. 

Sit & Talk With The Child

Parents will need to do RAT twice a week in the morning. This will not always be the case, but at least the first four weeks of school opening will require checks. If they are not found to be infected with the Coronavirus in the test, they can go to school.

If one knows the correct way, the test can be done in a quick and safe manner, and even allow children to do their own test. It usually takes 20 minutes in the test and one should remember to not rush while examining the child.

How To Check

  • First of all, place the kit on the table with the swab packet. 

  • After this, place the child's head on a pillow on a chair or sofa where he/she can lie down or sit comfortably. You can also make a small child sit on your lap. 

  • After this, hold the tube that takes the sample from the nose in one hand, place the other hand on the child's cheek, upper lip, or chin and take the sample. 

  • Insert the sample tube in the nose for one to two centimeters and rotate for about 15 seconds. 

  • After this, mix the sample in a liquid solution for about 15 seconds. 

  • Then carefully destroy the tube of the sample. 

  • Wash your hands and wait. Most test kits take 15 minutes to give results.

Apparently, the RAT testing is not the only way to eliminate or reduce the number of COVID-19 cases in schools. Apart from this, it is also necessary to vaccinate children, wear masks inside the school and inform them about Covid-19 appropriate behaviour inside and outside the school.