The feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating food has become a serious health problem for people these days. This heaviness can cause various problems ranging from insomnia to restlessness. An easy way to deal with this problem is to eat a little less than your appetite.

Despite this, if you feel a heaviness in the stomach, then try these remedies.  

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  1. Fennel and sugar You can also eat fennel and mishri after a meal to avoid heaviness in your stomach. You can also use it to treat mouth odor if you have consumed onion or food. It is also often used as a mouth freshener. 

  2. Green cardamom Eating cardamom after a meal can relieve heaviness in your stomach and can also help with indigestion. Cardamom is great at preventing bloating from your stomach and removing the unpleasant odor from your mouth. Therefore, you can chew one or two green cardamoms after a meal. 

  3. Honey Honey is one such medicine that provides multiple health benefits and is tasty. Eating honey after a meal removes the heaviness in your stomach and also increases immunity. Therefore, after a meal, remember to eat a couple of spoons of honey. 

Light exercise like going for a walk after eating will give relief against bloating. Avoid talking while eating. Minimize the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. You can also use baking soda and mint for instant relief from stomach heaviness.