Most people have heard that drinking a glass of lemonade, with or without honey in the morning, helps in losing weight. Experts recommend that the day should be started with a glass of lemonade. But is there any real benefit to drinking lemonade? And why experts recommend it for weight loss.

Why lemonade is beneficial
We are aware that lemon juice improves the digestive system. It is a major source of vitamins. According to experts, drinking enough water is the key to losing weight and lemon not only enhances the taste but also reduces the fat. Lemon contains fibre, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, pectin and citric acid. Apart from protecting against free radicals, the antioxidants present in it keep the heart healthy and also protect against other types of cancer.

Why is it beneficial for losing weight?
Lemonade has many nutritious elements. But it is best for people who want to lose weight as it contains pectin, which helps in controlling hunger and reduces the craving for junk food. The flavonoids present in it increase metabolism which results in weight reduction. Drinking lemon water daily can reduce inflammation in the body and flush out toxins by reducing the ability to hold water. Lemon contains potassium which controls blood pressure by reducing water load, thus keeping the body hydrated. 

How to make lemonade at home
To reduce weight, drink lemon water daily in the morning to get maximum benefits. First, heat water and add a spoonful of lemon juice to it. Mix a teaspoon of cumin powder, few pieces of lemon in the water. Boil the water and then filter it. You can add one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey for taste.

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