New Delhi: Star Plus’ ‘Yehh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka’ has managed to win the hearts of the viewers with its drama-packed episodes. The fantasy based show is doing quite well in terms of launch since its launch in October 2019.  The show starring Vikram Singh Chauhan and Aditi Sharma is giving a run for its money to ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’, which has dominated the 8:30pm slot for several years.

‘Yehh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka’ was originally meant to be a finite series and it was even rumoured that the show will go off air next month. Speculations were rife that the channel would pull the plug on ‘YJHJK’ in February 2020.

However, a report in an entertainment portal has suggested that Star Plus has decided to extend the show for another 100 episodes.

“The show will now work for a longer duration and will not go anywhere. The actors, as well as the team related to the show, have been notified and the creative think tank is now working towards a long and more successful run,” a source told IWMBuzz.

For the uninitiated, ‘Yehh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka’ replaced ‘Kulfi Kumarr Bajewala’ at 8:30pm slot. The musical drama starring Mohit Malik and Aakriti Sharma was shifted to an early evening slot to make space for ‘YJHJK’.

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