New Delhi: Salman Khan’s ‘Bigg Boss 13’ has managed to keep the viewers hooked on to their television sets with its drama-packed episodes. The popular reality show is inching closer towards its grand finale, which is expected to take place next month. The makers have a new twist before the finale by bringing in the ‘connections’ of the housemates inside the ‘BB 13’ house. The connections will not only support the contestants but also participate in tasks along with them.

Himanshi Khurana entered as a connection for Asim Riaz in the show. Asim became very excited after seeing hid ladylove and he even proposed her for marriage.

Asim and Himanshi got all romantic and kissed each other in the ‘BB 13’ house. Colors TV has released a new video on social media and it is going viral. Check it out!

Himanshi took to Twitter to share a collage picture with Asim along with the caption, "#JabAsiManshiMet #bb13 #biggboss13 #himanshikhurana #AsimRiaz."

For the uninitiated, Asim was eager to meet Himanshi after he came to know that she has parted ways with her boyfriend. Shefali Jariwala’s husband Parag Tyagi and his brother Umar Riaz had conveyed the message to Asim.

On a related note, Asim, Rashami, Paras and Mahira saved themselves from the nominations after they managed to perform better than the other contestants in the task.

Sidharth Shukla, Arti Singh, Vishal Aditya Singh and Shehnaaz Gill are nominated for eviction this week.

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