Colors TV's controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss 13', hosted by superstar Salman Khan, will bid goodbye to the viewers next month and the makers are trying their level best to make it more interesting and entertaining for the viewers. In recent 'Weekend Ka Vaar' episode, 'Kaanta Laga' girl Shefali Jariwala got evicted from the show leaving her fans sad. Then came the much-awaited nomination task in yesterday's episode (27 December). This time around, the contestants’ fate lied in their own hands.

As a part of the task, a dome was set up in the garden area and on every buzzer, each contestant had to sit inside the dome and manually count 17 minutes. The ones whose count is accurate or close to the said number will be declared safe from the nominations. When a contestant is counting, other housemates can distract them verbally.

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After the nominations task, 'Bigg Boss' finally announced the name of this week's nominated contestants. Four 'BB 13' contestants - Sidharth Shukla, Shehnaaz Gill, Vishal Aditya Singh and Arti Singh got nominated for elimination this week.

Now, it'll be interesting to see who'll bid goodbye to the show this week.

Speaking further about 'Bigg Boss 13', Vikas Gupta, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Kashmera Shah, Shefali Jariwala, Himanshi Khurana, Shehbaz Badesha, Akash Sharma & Kunal Singh will enter the show tonight (January 28) to support Sidharth, Rashami, Arti, Paras, Asim, Shehnaaz, Mahira and Vishal respectively. Also, they will stay in the show for around four days and will also participate in important tasks.

Keep watching this space for more updates!