New Delhi: Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen’s brother Rajeev Sen will tie the knot with TV actress Charu Asopa in a traditional Hindu wedding on Sunday (June 16) in Goa. The pre-wedding festivities started with the mehendi and sangeet ceremony followed by the haldi, which took place earlier today.

PICS & VIDEO: Bride-to-be looks radiant during haldi

Rajeev has shared the first picture from his wedding in which the two lovebirds can be seen smiling. Sharing the photo on his Instagram story, the groom wrote, ‘’Almost there. #RajaKiBittu.’’

While the bride looked stunning in a red lehenga, the groom complimented her in a white sherwani. The couple is beaming with joy in the adorable photo.

Check out the picture!

(Source- Instagram)

Here are some inside videos from Rajeev and Charu Asopa's wedding!

Rajeev and Charu got hitched in a court marriage on June 7 in Mumbai before taking nuptial vows in a traditional wedding.

UPDATE: Sushmita Sen beams with joy as her brother Rajeev Sen gets MARRIED to Charu Asopa, see PICS!

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