Sony TV's 'The Kapil Sharma Show' has managed to entertain the viewers with its rib-tickling episodes. The comedy show, which enjoys a significant fan following across different age groups, recently went off air as Kapil Sharma is spending quality time with his wife Ginni Chatrath and newborn soon. The 'King of Comedy' has promised to return with a bang after a 'small break'. Ardent fans of the show are eagerly waiting to see their favorite stars on the weekends.
If a recent report in Koimoi is to be believed, the new season of 'The Kapil Sharma Show' will witness the comeback of Sunil Grover aka Dr Mashoor Gulati. Yes, you read that right! Gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that Sunil will finally return to the popular comedy show.
Salman Khan, who is the producer of 'The Kapil Sharma Show', played the peacemaker between Kapil and Sharma, the report in the portal said. The 'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai' actor shares a close equation with Grover and he wants him to stage a comeback to the show. The duo worked together in Ali Abbas Zafar's 'Bharat', which also starred Katrina Kaif and Disha Patani.
Both Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma are yet to react to the rumours. Interestingly, Sharma's make-up artist had shared a photo with TV's Gutthi, which added to fuel to the rumours of his comeback.
Why Sunil Grover Left 'The Kapil Sharma Show'?
According to reports, the ace comedian decided to quit the show following an 'abusive' fight with Kapil Sharma. A report in Mid-Day suggested that Kapil had hurled abuses at his co-star Chandan Prabhakar and a team member while he was drunk. Sunil Grover tried to resolve the issues but Kapil abused the 'Pathakha' star.
Kapil later posted a tweet to apologise to Sunil Grover if he hurt him 'unintentionally'.. He wrote, "Paji @WhoSunilGrover sry if I hurt u unintentionally.u knw vry well how much I luv u. M also upset .love n regards always."
Kapil Sharma, while interacting with a fan, revealed that he would return to the show screens after a temporary break. The 'Firangi' actor's wife Ginni Chathrath gave birth to their baby boy on February 1. The couple, who is parents to one-year-old Anayra Sharma, got hitched on December 12, 2018.
Talking about Sunil Grover, the talented comedian was last seen on TV in 'Gangs of Filmistaan'. The show failed to strike a chord with the viewers despite the massive hype.
Are you excited to see Sunil and Kapil together again in 'TKKS'? Tell us in the comments section below.
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