Remember the Sath Nibhana Sathiya's trending 'Rasode mein kaun the video?' now the team has brought a new surprise for the viewers. Sath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 is currently airing on Star Plus and has premiered new episodes from October 19 onwards. Rupal Patel, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, and Sneha Jain are leading the show and people are going gaga watching their favorite actors.

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Now, SNS 2 has released a new promo of the upcoming episode which already has a 'Rasode mein Kaun tha' moment with Kokilaben.It was only a few weeks ago that a musician had created a mash up video using SNS dialogues from the show's original run. The resultant 'rasode mein kaun tha' rap clip had not only gone viral but also became the trademark of the daily soap.

Keeping people's response in mind, the makers went ahead to entertain the viewers with surprise.

 In the new promo, Kokila (Rupal) is seen questioning Gehna (Sneha) and Gopi (Devoleena) about their whereabouts when something goes wrong in the kitchen during cooking of 'prasad'. It is a call back to the viral moment that kept fans entertained earlier.

Take a look at 'rasode mein kaun tha' version 2.0 in SNS 2.

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