New Delhi: On the fourth death anniversary of 'Balika Vadhu' actress Pratyusha Banerjee, her father Shankar Banerjee revealed he couldn’t find a garland for his daughter’s portrait amid Coronavirus lockdown and was making his own at home to pay tribute to his late daughter. Banerjee’s parents are still fighting to get justice for their daughter who was found dead on April 1, 2016 at her rented apartment in Goregaon. Her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh was booked for abetting her suicide.

Mourning her daughter’s death, Shankar Banerjee told SpotboyE, “To tell you the truth, I couldn’t get flowers or garland for a long time outside my building which otherwise, I get easily. After a long time I managed to get few flowers and I myself made a mala of it.

He also expressed disappointment with the progress in Pratyusha’s death case in court, Mr Banerjee said, “You see, my main grouse is that the trial is still to get underway.” He also revealed that he had met Rahul at the court and felt his nervousness and anxiety. “We did see him in Dindoshi Court and unka chehra badal gaya humko dekhkar, paseena-paseena ho gaya”.

The aging couple now lives in Kandivali after their daughter’s, waiting for justice to be done. They strongly believe that Pratyusha who died under mysterious circumstances did not commit suicide.