New Delhi: TV actress Meera Deosthale, who is currently playing the titular role in Colors TV's popular show 'Vidya' opposite Namaish Taneja, has often spoken about her love for reading. However, given her hectic shoot schedule, the actress never got enough time to do so. Now that the entire country is under lockdown due to the novel Coronavirus outbreak, Meera finally has to spend some quality time reading her favourite books and those books that were on her wish list.

Commenting on her obsession for books Meera said, "I have always been very outspoken about my obsession and love for books. During my free time at home, I am making the most of the opportunity and spending my time reading. I am catching up on books by some of my favourite authors that I wasn’t able I wasn’t been able to because of back to back shoots."

She further added that, "The best part about reading books is that you always learn something new that you would have never known otherwise. I hope everyone’s finding themselves while staying home and staying safe."

Isn't it great?

On the career front, Meera made her TV debut with 'Sasural Simar Ka' in 2014 however she became a household name after playing the lead role of 'Chakor' in hit Colors show 'Udaan' which went off-air last year after a run of 3 years. She is currently winning hearts with her performance in 'Vidya'. The show started last year and is fetching decent TRPs in the early evening time-slot.

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