New Delhi: Bollywood and TV celebs are spending quality time with their family members amid the Coronavirus lockdown. As the shooting for all films, TV shows and ads has been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tinsel town stars are making full use of their free time by indulging in new activities. TV star Puru Chibber, who is fondly known for playing the role of Ketan Mehta in Zain Imam and Aditi Rathore starrer ‘Naamkarann’, has shaved his head. Yes you read that right.

We had earlier informed you that ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ actress Jaya Bhattacharya got rid of her hair amid the lockdown. The talented actress shared several videos on social media, sharing the reason behind her decision.

Unlike Jaya, Puru shaved his head as he wanted to experiment with his looks.

The ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor, while talking to a leading daily, said that he wanted to experiment with his looks since a long time and the lockdown period provided him the perfect opportunity to do so.

“l had been wanting to experiment with my looks for a long time and made use of the lockdown period to fulfil my long-standing dream. I hope my new look encourages casting directors to envision me in different avatars and challenging roles. I can’t wait to get back in action. It’s not easy for an actor to get rid of his hair, as it lends character to his face. However, I did it as I wanted to break free from my image. I like my new look and I have been receiving compliments from my friends, too,” Puru told Times Of India.

Puru, who is the son of veteran actress Vibha Chibber, shared several pictures and videos, flaunting his new look on social media.

On the professional front, Puru Chibber made his TV debut with ‘’. He has featured in shows like ‘Khotey Sikkey’, ‘Pavitra Rishta’, ‘Reporters’, ‘Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se’ and ‘Adaalat’.

Puru has also worked in films like ‘Band Baaja Baraat’ and ‘Bhoomi’. The actor got married to Roshni Bathnia on March 10, 2019 in the presence of their loved ones. The couple tied the knot in a destination wedding in Mount Abu.

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