New Delhi: It’s time send congratulatory messages to TV actor Puru Chibber as he has tied the knot with fiancée Roshni Bathnia. The two lovebirds got married in the presence of their family members and close friends on March 10. The newly married couple got hitched in a destination wedding in Mount Abu. Puru and Roshni, who know each other since the past 11 years, complimented each other with their looks.

The groom wore a beige and gold embroidered sherwani while the bride looked stunning in a floral embroidered lehenga. The pictures from Puru Chibber’s wedding have been making waves on social media. Check them out right here!

(Source- Instagram)

(Source- Instagram)

Here's another picture where the newlyweds can be seen looking at each other!

(Source- Instagram)

The pre-wedding festivities started with the sangeet and mehendi ceremony followed by the haldi function. Puru was beaming with joy in his wedding pictures.

'Naamkarann' actor Puru Chibber & ladylove Roshni's haldi ceremony pics are OUT!

Puru and Roshni had their traditional roka ceremony on December 31 last year. For the uninitiated, Puru is veteran film and TV actress Vibha Chibber’s son. The ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor made his small screen debut with the show 'Khotey Sikke' in 2011. He was also seen in shows like 'Beintehaa' and 'Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se'. The ‘Reporters’ actor has also acted in Hindi films like 'Band Baaja Baaraat' and 'Bhoomi'.