Popular TV actor & dancer Shantanu Maheshwari, who is away from Television after winning 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 8', has finally signed his next project. The talented actor, who was last seen in ALTBalaji's erotic web-series 'X.X.X. Uncensored', has signed another show for Ekta Kapoor's OTT platform. According to latest reports, Shantanu will be seen playing the lead role of a medical student named Abir Basu in ALTBalaji's 'Medically Yours. The actor is super-excited for the project.
Shantanu Maheshwari (Photo: Instagram)
Confirming being a part of the web-series, Shantanu said in a statement, "I am quite excited to be working on this project. The genre of youth is gaining immense popularity amongst millennials these days. My character of a final-year medical student in the series is one who’s very complex in nature. The show's director is someone whom I have worked with earlier and it’s great to be collaborating with him once again."
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Subha Rajput (Photo: Instagram)
TV actress Subha Rajput, who is best known for playing Nakuul Mehta aka Shivaay's sister Priyanka in Gul Khan's popular Star Plus show 'Ishqbaaaz', has been roped in for 'Medically Yours'. However, the details related to her character are not yet out.
Apart from Shantanu & Subha, actors Bijay Anand and Abhishek Nigam too are a part of 'Medically Yours'.
Subha with 'Ishqbaaaaz' co-stars Nakuul & Leenesh (Photo: Instagram)
Speaking about Shantanu Maheshwari, the actor rose to fame with channel V’s show ‘Dil Dosti Dance’ aka D3, playing the role of Swayam. He was also second runner up in dance reality show ‘Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 9’.
Stay tuned for more updates!