New Delhi: After much anticipation and excitement among the audience, the maker's Bits and Bots Media finally dropped the brand new promo of the much-awaited show 'Rajjo'. Releasing on 22nd August, the brand new promo of Starplus presents 'Rajjo' shows a quest to conquer a goal amid a sweet story of the leads.

While the promo showcased Rajjo's passion and madness for athletics it also encapsulated the feeling of Rajjo's flying towards her goals that the audience will see with the release of the show.

The audience has been eagerly waiting for Starplus's new show 'Rajjo'. After holding up the audience excited for a long time, the makers finally brought the brand new promo of the show. The promo looks interesting and speaks layers about Rajjo's quest to run for her goals. The promo featured the lead cast Celesti Bairagey as Rajjo along with Rajveer Singh as Arjun. It showcased the sheer innocence of Rajjo to be a part of the race whereas the tough and strict Arjun tolerate her tantrums. But after beating up all the odds, Rajjo finds a way to break through to achieve what she has always dreamt of. 

The show is going to come up with perfect chemistry between the two leads as they go into certain wrangles that add a bit of a fun factor to the show and it would be interesting to see how their ends meet after all the odds. 

Moreover, it would be interesting to see the story of 'Rajjo' and her race toward her dreams. On the other hand, her chemistry with Arjun is also something we need to keep an eye on, as to see if these two different personalities will make love or will clash on the screen. 

'Rajjo' will be launched on Star Plus on 22nd August 2022 at 7 pm IST.