TV actress Kritika Kamra, who recently made her Bollywood debut with the film 'Mitron' opposite Jackky Bhagnani, is in the news again. Last year there were reports that Kritika Kamra, who dated her 'Kitani Mohabbat Hai' co-star Karan Kundrra' & later went on to date a publicist Siddharth Bijpuria after break-up with actor, is dating a guy named Uday Shankar Gauri. Now, the latest buzz suggests that Kritika & Uday have taken their relationship to the next level by getting engaged in a secret ceremony.

Kritika Kamra (Photo: Instagram)

Yes, you read that right!

Speaking about the same, a source confirmed that same and told an entertainment portal that, "Kritika Kamra has apparently, decided to take her relationship with longtime beau Uday Singh Gauri one step ahead. The actress recently got engaged with her boyfriend in a secret ceremony."

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The source spoke about the engagement ceremony and told Bollywood Life that, “It was a close-knit affair and only selected family members were a part of it.

Uday Singh Gauri (Photo: Instagram)

When the same portal contacted Uday, he quashed engagement news and said that, “I’m surprised with this news. It is not true and whenever something like this happens, people will surely get to know about it.

Yes, Uday refutes the engagement news whereas Kritika Kamra is yet to react on the same.

However, if this turns out to be true then it is indeed a great news for her fans.

Earlier this year, during the shooting of 'Mitron', there was a buzz that Kritika is dating her co-star Jackky Bhagnani. But, the actress dismissed the rumours.

Kritika Kamra with beau Uday Singh Gauri (Photo: Instagram)

On the career front, Kritika made her TV debut as 'Aarohi' opposite ex-beau Karan Kundrra in hit show 'Kitni Mohabbat Hai' & went on to be a part of shows like 'Zara Nachke Dikha', 'Kuch Toh Log Kahenge', 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa', 'Reporters' among others and was last seen in Life OK show 'Prem Ya Paheli - Chandrakanta'. Whereas, Uday Singh Gauri runs Carving Dreams, a talent management company.

Stay tuned for more updates!