Mumbai:Celebrities like Vishal Dadlani and Archana Puran Singh are either going to head out of "noisy and polluted" big cities or celebrate the festival of lights, Diwali, on Wednesday without crackers. Dadlani, a singer, composer and one of the judges of "Indian Idol 10", said in a statement: "As big cities get too noisy and polluted, I will be heading out of town for Diwali, as usual. To me, Diwali means family. A time of love, light and celebrations with those whom you love the most. Diwali memories are always happy ones. Pooja at home, followed by prasad, even for non-believers like me."

"Comedy Circus" judge Archana considers Diwali a beautiful festival of lights and colours which she enjoys spending with her family and friends.

"We believe in celebrating a cracker-free Diwali and I urge everyone to support the environment by celebrating a cracker-free Diwali. As I am shooting on the eve of Diwali, I am taking the first flight out on November 7 with my son and husband to my hometown Dehradun."

VIDEOS: Kangana Ranaut's snow ball fight with brother Akshit & sister Rangoli; Family in Manali for Diwali!

"My three siblings and my mom are eagerly awaiting us to have a grand family Diwali celebration."

Actor Pearl V Puri finds Amritsar a great place to visit during the occasion. "It is celebrated together with Bandi Chhor Divas, which is a big festival for Sikhs. There are special prayers or kirtans held throughout the city and the Golden Temple looks stunning when illuminated," he said.

"You can also enjoy the cool weather, the beautiful sarson (mustard) fields and the infectious enthusiasm of the locals," he added.

Actress Shubhangi Atre, on the other hand, thinks Goa is a wonderful destination to visit during Diwali.

"The celebrations start with Naraka Chaturdashi when people decorate their doors and windows with lanterns. Locals build several larger-than-life sized Narakasura effigies filled with firecrackers and grass and then burn them the next morning in the wee hours," she said.