New Delhi: Actor Gurmeet Chaudhary will essay the lead role in Disney+Hotstar's upcoming series based on the life of Maharana Pratap titled 'Maharana'. On Wednesday, the first teaser of the show was unveiled. Ridhima Pandit will play the role of Maharani Ajabde in 'Maharana'. The show also stars Mahesh Kale, Subodh Bhave, Maadhav C Deochake, Ashwini Bhave, Surendra Pal, Danish Bhat, Prithvi Hatte and Sameer Dharmadhikari.
Sharing the teaser of the show on his official Instagram handle, Gurmeet wrote, "To humble beginnings. Hriday mein jinke Mahadev, rann mein jo the mahaveer. Dekhiye #MaharanaPratap ke aseem bahaduri ki kahani.”''
In a statement Gurmeet also spoke about the show and playing the role of Maharana Pratap in it. “It’s an honour to work on a project that is connected to the roots of India. Maharana Pratap was known for his courage and bravery, I am very happy to get a chance to know more about his life. It is also a challenge to portray a strong character like Maharana Pratap himself.” He said.
The shoot of 'Maharana' has begun.
Meanwhile, on the personal front, Gurmeet welcomed a second child with wife Debina Bonnerjee. They named their second daughter Divisha. Lianna was born in April 2022 while Divisha was born in November.