
Divyanka Tripathi IGNORES Ex-Boyfriend Ssharad Malhotra!

Divyanki Tripathi and Ssharad Malhotra dated for quite a long time before parting ways and now that Divyanka is engaged to Vivek Dahiya, the awkwardness between the two has grown even more. Divyanka Tripathi IGNORES Ex-Boyfriend Ssharad Malhotra! The ex flames recently came face to face at a studio where Divyanka and Ssharad were shooting for their respective shows. As per the reports on SpotboyE, Divyanka decided to celebrate her win at the recently concluded Star Parivaar where she won an award for her show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein. Also: WHOA! “Just to show my legs..”,wrote Divyanka Tripathi while sharing this PIC with fans As a part of the celebrations, the actress decided to cut a cake but the moment Divyanka stepped out of her vanity van with a tray of cake, she came across face to face with ex-boyfriend Ssharad Malhotra. Divyanka Tripathi IGNORES Ex-Boyfriend Ssharad Malhotra! Ssharad who was there shooting for his show 'Kasam'' stepped out of his vanity van which was parked right next to Divyanka's van. And all of a sudden both were walking towards each other.  While Ssharad looked luncertain and lost. Divyanka quickly regained her composure and continued distributing the cake among her team members. Divyanka did not even acknowledge the fact that Ssharad was standing right in front of her, seeing this Ssharad walked away quickly.  
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