Ace comedian Ali Asgar, who best known as 'Dadi' from 'Comedy Nights with Kapil', met with an accident in the wee hours of March 11th. Fortunately, the small screen actor has escaped unhurt after police instantly came to rescue.

According to reports, Ali was waiting at a traffic signal in South Mumbai when a car rammed into his vehicle and Ali's car hit a truck right in front of him.

Recalling the accident, Ali, in a statement to Times of India, said, "I was driving the car. The entire car is damaged. I was waiting at signal and suddenly I felt a loud thud and the next thing I realised, my car went ahead and hit a truck parked in front."

The actor escaped without any injuries and mentions, “The car bonnet opened and I had a lucky escape.”

Shaken by the incident, the actor said that he's afraid of thinking what could have happened if the car was moving or pedestrians were around.

The actor, who also appeared in many TV shows and movies, took to social media to thank Mumbai Police for taking care of the same.

Ali Asgar was last seen on comedy show Kanpur Wale Khuranas.