New Delhi: Reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ is very popular for the controversies that it creates while the contestants get locked inside the house. However, the Salman Khan’s show not only creates controversies, but also is a great place for romance. The show has seen its share of romance starting from Prince Narula-Yuvika Chaudhary to Asim Riaz-Himanshi Khurana. As the 14th season of ‘Bigg Boss’ has only witnessed fights till now, angry man Eijaz Khan has recently confessed about him having a crush on senior Gauahar Khan.
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In yesterday’s episode, Abhinav Shukla and Eijaz Khan were having a friendly conversation when the latter stated that he has a crush in toofani senior Gauahar Khan. Eijaz added that he is totally impressed by her height and dressing sense. His friend Abhinav then asked him to go ahead and try his luck as he called Gauahar ‘sensible’. The ‘Kkavyanjali’ actor then disclosed that he gets awkward around people he has a crush on while he refers to his past. Soon after, Gauahar Khan enters the room and the blush on Eijaz’s face is unmissable.
Meanwhile, Team B which consists of the contestants Eijaz Khan, Rahul Vaidya, Nishant Singh Malkhani and Pavitra Punia are safe from the eliminations as the team won the immunity task.
Also, recently, a big fight broke out between Shehzad Deol and Nishant Singh Malkhani during an immunity task where both the contestants involved themselves in a nasty fight. Rubina Dilaik could not stand the use of the words ‘hijra’ and ‘chakka’ by Shehzad and Nishant as she demanded an apology from both the contestants. Shehzad Deol apologised and accepted that he had made a mistake.
ALSO READ| Bigg Boss 14: Rubina Dilaik Makes Shehzad Deol Apologize For His Demeaning Remark On Transgenders; Twitter Hails The ‘Shakti’ Actress For Taking A Stand For LGBTQ Community
Stay tuned for more updates!
Bigg Boss 14: Eijaz Khan Reveals He Has A Crush On Gauahar Khan; Abhinav Shukla Asks Him To Try His Luck
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
15 Oct 2020 03:12 PM (IST)
In yesterday’s episode, Abhinav Shukla and Eijaz Khan were having a friendly conversation when the latter stated that he has a crush in toofani senior Gauahar Khan. Read on.
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