TV actor Aashish Mehrotra, currently seen in top-rated show 'Anupamaa', shared a heartfelt post for his father, who recently passed away. He got emotional while penning his thoughts for his late dad. Aashish posted a long note for his father, addressing him as his 'hugging champion'. The talented actor, who is seen as Rupali Ganguly's on-screen son, shared a throwback video on social media.
The clip, which has received over 50k views, featured beautiful moments from Aashish Mehrotra's life. The actor wrote, "My uncomfortable hugging champ.. You may have left me on the outside for the world....but on the inside you are even more close ... & this more will never be enough. Our bodies may have parted ways. but soul's will never.... I am sorry for being selfish here."
Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. They offered their condolence to Aashish and his family.
Aashish uploaded a series of photos with his father wherein they can be seen sharing a stage. He wrote, "My happy face... spreading smile all around. And your jumping bhangra step... This is just how i want to keep you with me always papa."
Earlier this month, Ashish and his father tested positive for COVID-19. His dad reportedly passed away after suffering a heart attack during treatment.
Rupali Ganguly, Kunal Jaisingh and other TV celebs dropped comments on the post. Rupali wrote, "May God give u strength to go through this time."
Bharat Chawda, who has worked in several hit TV shows, is also grief stricken as he has lost his mother. He penned an emotional note for his mom while sharing a series of photos on Instagram. The actor has featured in shows like 'Uttaran', 'Meri Bhabhi' and 'Kahani Ghar Ghar Kii'.
Popular TV actress Hina Khan, who was shooting for her upcoming project with Shaheer Sheikh, returned to Mumbai after receiving the news of her father's demise. Her dad died after suffering a cardiac arrest. Many small screen celebs including Arjun Bijlani, Nikki Tamboli, Rohan Mehra expressed grief on social media.