Popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 12', which was hosted by superstar Salman Khan, recently came to an end with Dipika Kakar walking away with the winner's trophy and prize money of Rs 30 lakh. Most talked about contestant of 'Bigg Boss 12' was declared as the first runner-up. Ever since 'BB 12' ended on 30th December, the show's fans are missing seeing their favorite contestants on TV screens. On New year's eve, two reunions of 'Bigg Boss 12' contestants took place & Dipika was missing from both of them.

Dipika Kakar's 'BB 12'winning moment (Photo: Colors)

While Karanvir Bohra hosted a bash at his house where Srishty Rode, Nehha Pendse, Rohit Suchanti, Megha Dhade, Surbhi Rana, Kriti Verma, Somi Khan & other contestants were seen partying. On the other hand, Sreesanth with wife Bhuvneshwari, Shivashish Mishra & Jasleen Matharu had a great time together. The fans were expecting to see Dipika joining Sree & others whereas her absence made the fans sad.

'BB12' contestant's reunion on New Year's eve

But here comes a great news for the fans of BB12's much-loved 'bhai-behen' jodi! Two days after the grand finale, Dipika & Sreesanth finally reunited yesterday (2nd January) for dinner. They were accompanied by Bhuvneshwari (Sreesanth's wife), Shoaib Ibrahim (Dipika's hubby), 'BB 12' co-contestant Shivashish Mishra among others. Sreesanth posted a picture from the dinner on his Instagram account.

Sreesanth & Dipika in 'Bigg Boss 12' (Photo: Colors)

The picture has been captioned as, "#family #life #life moves on ..got to keep moving on .. love and respect to all my fans who are my real family....#respect"

Check out the picture below:

The picture will surely make 'Sreepika' fans super-happy!

During their stay inside the 'Bigg Boss' house, Dipika & Sreesanth shared a close bond. They were mostly seen together and used to take a stand for each other. After Dipika's win, Sreesanth even shared that he is happy with the viewer's decision.

After going through many ups and downs in 'Bigg Boss 12', it is heartening to see Dipika & Sree together again!

ALSO READ: 'Bigg Boss 12' finalist Deepak Thakur's grand welcome in his hometown! PICS & VIDEOS!