Sushant Singh Rajput Case: Bollywood actor Rhea Chakraborty, who is the prime accused in Sushant Singh Rajput case, facing allegations of abetmet to suicide and money laundering levelled by the family of the deceased Bollywood actor,  has been summoned by the Central Bureau of Investigation which is now probing the case, sources have said. However, Rhea's advocate Satish Maneshinde has said that CBI has not  yet summoned Rhea or her family members. However, as per sources, the summon has been sent to Rhea at her residence.

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CBI sources have claimed that when the officials went to Rhea's place the house-keeper said Rhea was not at home. This can be an attempt by the actress to avoid receiving the summon herself in a bid to file anticipatory bail plea, they have said.

Previously, Rhea, her brother Showik and her father have been grilled for hours by the Enforcement Directorate as well, while probing the money laundering charges.

Meanwhile, Sushant's friend Sidharth Pithani, Dipesh Sawant his cook Neeraj- all those present during the occurrence of the incident, will be questioned together today.

Spiritual healing angle:

Also, a team of CBI has now gone to Waterstone Resort, where Sushant is said to be allegedly involved in  some spiritual healing exercise. The late actor is said to have stayed at the resort for almost 2 months after returning from the controversial Europe tour. The CBI has summoned spiritual guru Mohan Joshi who is said to have guided Sushant during his stay.

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Sushant Singh Rajput death case: Know who all will be quizzed by CBI further