New Delhi: Actor-musician Vijay Antony found himself at the center of controversy during a press meet for his upcoming film 'Romeo' when questioned about the portrayal of alcohol consumption in the film. Responding to queries about whether the film promotes drinking, Antony made reference to historical and religious contexts, invoking the consumption of wine, even by Jesus Christ. His comments stirred backlash from some members of the Christian community, prompting the actor to issue a clarification online. 

In his statement posted online, Antony expressed regret that his remarks had been misinterpreted and caused offense. He said that his intention was not to disparage Jesus Christ or the Christian faith, but rather to provide historical context to the use of wine, a practice dating back thousands of years.  

He wrote, “In a recent press meet, I told that wine is not something that was found recently, and it has been in use for the past 2000 years. It has been used in churches and by Jesus Christ. It is saddening that my statement was taken out of context and has hurt some of you. I never said anything in a wrong way, and I request you all to not misunderstand it. Even in dreams, I can’t portray someone like Jesus Christ, a person beyond religion, who shed blood and sacrificed himself for people, in a bad light.” 

The controversy arose when Antony was questioned about a scene in the film's poster depicting the heroine preparing a drink on her wedding night. Responding to concerns about promoting alcohol consumption, particularly among women, Antony defended the portrayal, stating that alcohol consumption is not limited to any specific gender. He argued, "If men can drink, women too can," while reiterating that he was not endorsing drinking but highlighting its prevalence in society. 

Let’s not demarcate that alcohol is only for men. Drinking is for everyone. If men can drink, women too can. I am not promoting drinking. Just saying everything is common for both men and women. If we are to say it is wrong to drink, we should tell it to both genders.” he was quoted as saying by Indian Express. 

Addressing speculation about the film linking women's alcohol consumption to the IT revolution, Antony refuted such claims, asserting that drinking has been a longstanding practice. He cited historical examples, including the consumption of "sarayam" and referenced Jesus Christ's consumption of wine to contextualize the portrayal of alcohol in the film.