A new poster from the upcoming film The Raja Saab was revealed on Tuesday, coinciding with the festive celebrations of Sankranthi and Pongal. The poster features Prabhas in a suave, vintage festive look, exuding a cheerful and celebratory vibe. Offering a glimpse into the unique horror-comedy world of the film, his striking avatar has already ignited curiosity among fans.

The Raja Saab new poster

The film promises an intriguing mix of eerie thrills and humour, with Prabhas portraying a man who returns to his ancestral property, only to confront a vengeful spirit lurking within.

Sharing the new poster on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, Prabhas wrote, "Wishing you all joy and happiness this festive season…. See you soon with #TheRajaSaab"

This marks Prabhas’ second film following the massive success of Kalki: 2898 AD. In The Raja Saab, he takes a departure from his intense, larger-than-life roles to embrace a playful, spectral persona that is set to captivate audiences. His vintage look evokes nostalgia, reminding fans of the Prabhas they admired in his earlier days.

About The Raja Saab

Directed by Maruthi, a trailblazer in Telugu cinema's horror-comedy genre, The Raja Saab is produced by Viswa Prasad under the People Media Factory banner. With music composed by Thaman S, the film will be released in five languages: Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam.

Last year, Prabhas also launched The Script Craft, a platform designed to encourage and promote writers. The initiative provides a space where writers can submit 250-word synopses of their story ideas. Audiences can read and rate these submissions, allowing the top-rated stories to gain visibility.

With a focus on ratings instead of comments, the platform fosters a constructive environment that helps writers build confidence and receive positive support for their creativity.

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