New Delhi: Tamil singer Chinmayi Sripaada on Monday asked Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin to take action against lyricist Vairamuthu, who was named by several women during #MeToo movement. Chinmayi, who had also leveled sexual misconduct allegations against Vairamuthu in 2018, took to Twitter and requested Tamil Nadu CM to make all the working spaces in Tamil Nadu safe for women.
Chinmayi tweeted a long statement that read, “Respected Honble CM, Sir, It is amazing you show support to the cause of justice to sexual harassment survivors every time a case comes to notice across India. When political leaders speak there is hope for change. However there are no systems in place yet - No ICC or POCSO in many industries especially in the Film Industry. 17+ women have named your friend / supporter Mr Vairamuthu who continues to enjoy your proximity which he uses to silence women who speak up even more. Your party continues to platform him, as have other politicians in Tamilnadu.”
She added, “With almost 5 years of facing a work ban in the Tamil Film Industry and fighting a case with Honble City Civil Court there seems to be no end in sight. I have the strength to fight this considering it may even take another 20 years to get justice in this Country when we lack connections or clout. I filed a complaint with the NCW way back in 2018-2019 because that was the only route available for many of us, and handed a handwritten complaint to police officers that came home to investigate. I have enough circumstantial evidence including phone call records where Vairamuthu arranged a call to arrive at a ‘compromise’. His son Madhan Karky was also informed via text to which he called, responded and agreed he and his family were already aware of his father’s behaviour several years ago. The rules cannot be different for Vairamuthu and Brij Bhushan.”
“Our Champion wrestlers and the Country’s pride including a Minor have named Brij Bhushan”
“17+ women have named Vairamuthu who has used the proximity to your party and You, to silence me, others and ruin the careers of women who are talented and had dreams. His talent is not greater than all of us. This is happening right under your nose. Please do the needful so that across Tamilnadu workplaces can be safer. I speak as someone who has been ostracised by my own industry because people are too scared to speak against the Poet because of his political connections. Please make sure my Industry has ICCs and POCSO Units (since Children are employed in Mass Media and are safe from Child Sexual abuse) in all the Unions - many women AND men continue to face sexual harassment in TV and Film. P.S.: Ramesh Prabha was named for molesting kids while he was a Kid’s TV Show host,” she concluded.
After accusing Vairamuthu in 2018, Chinmayi had been constantly vocal in speaking against the lyricist and has questioned silence of many known names of the Tamil film industry.