New Delhi: Ace badminton player and national shuttler Saina Nehwal has finally reacted to ‘Rang De Basanti’ actor Siddharth’s tweet on her. The actor, who replied to a tweet by Saina Nehwal regarding PM Narendra Modi’s recent security lapse incident that took place in Punjab, received severe backlash from netizens after his tweet went viral.

Saina Nehwal, who was silent till now, has now responded to Siddharth’s tweet and expressed her displeasure to see his ‘unsavoury remark’. Saina said in a statement to PTI, “Yeah, I'm not sure what he meant. I used to like him as an actor but this was not nice. He can express himself with better words but I guess it's Twitter and you remain noticed with such words and comments.” She further added and told PTI, “If the security of the PM of India is an issue then I'm not sure what is secure in the country”.

Saina’s husband Parupalli Kashyap also reacted to actor Siddharth’s remark and tweeted, “This is upsetting for us … express ur opinion but choose better words man . I guess u thought it was cool to say it this way . #notcool #disgraceful @Actor_Siddharth”.

It so happened that Saina Nehwal reacted to PM Narendra Modi’s recent security breach in Punjab and wrote in a tweet, “No nation can claim itself to be safe if the security of its own PM gets compromised. I condemn, in the strongest words possible, the cowardly attack on PM Modi by anarchists. #BharatStandsWithModi #PMModi”.

In response to this tweet of Saina Nehwal, actor Siddharth had tweeted, “Subtle cock champion of the world Thank God we have protectors of India”. He then wrote in another tweet and wrote, “COCK & BULL” That's the reference. Reading otherwise is unfair and leading! Nothing disrespectful was intended, said or insinuated. Period.”

The National Commission for Women chairperson has also responded to Siddharth’s tweet and has asked Twitter to immediately block the actor’s tweet referring to it as ‘misogynist and outrageous’.

NCW Wants FIR Against Siddharth For Offensive Remark On Saina Nehwal, Actor Says 'Nothing Disrespectful' In Tweet

Stay tuned for more updates.