The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has charged actor Rhea Chakraborty with buying drugs for the late actor and boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput. The 'Sonali Cable' actress was arrested in the case in September 2020 and had been granted bail a month later.

According to news agency ANI, draft charges have been submitted against the actor in a special NDPS court. "Draft charges submitted against Rhea Chakroborty in Special NDPS court of receiving deliveries of ganja from Samuel Miranda, Showik Charoborty & Dipesh Sawant & others and handing over those deliveries to late actor Sushant Singh Rajput while making payments for them in yr 2020."

The central anti-drug agency had filed the draft charges last month in the Special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) court against Rhea and 34 other accused, the details of which were made available on Tuesday. As per the draft charges, all the accused entered into criminal conspiracy between March 2020 and December that year with each other or in groups to procure, purchase, sell and distribute drugs in "high society and Bollywood".

It was also mentioned in the draft charges that the accused consumed various forms of drugs along with trafficking it in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, without any valid permit or license.

The draft charges against Rhea Chakraborty maintained that the actress received "many deliveries of ganja from accused Samuel Miranda, Showik, Dipesh Sawant and others and handed over those deliveries to the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput".

Besides Rhea, her brother Showik and several others are also arraigned as accused in the case, with most of them currently out on bail.

ALSO READ: Drug Case Linked To Sushant's Death: Rhea Chakraborty Procured Ganja From Co-Accused, Says NCB

With agency inputs!