Actress Payal Ghosh has accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of sexual harassment. She had said that Kashyap has molested and treated her badly at his house and had earlier said that she will be filing an official complaint against the filmmaker at Oshiwara Police station in Mumbai today.

In an exclusive interview with ABP News, Ghosh said “My advocate will file the complaint today. Most possible in the evening but I can’t confirm the time,” said Ghosh during the interview.

ALSO READ| Anurag Kashyap’s Lawyer Releases A Statement On His Behalf; Says Allegations Are Completely False, Malicious, Dishonest!

She also said that she knows will not get any support from the film industry for her cause.

''I expect support from the state government, central government, and the public in India. I won't get support from the film industry since he provides bread and butter to many. This is the reason they are supporting him'', says Payal Ghosh.

She said that the horrific incident happened in 2014 while shooting Bombay Velvet. She  had visited Kashyap's office to meet his manager and later visited his home where she was treated well. But the second time she was called to his home, she said she faced the horrible situation.

"I had talked to my manager the very next day and he also supported me. But at the time I was new in the industry and I was worried how it will affect my career," said Ghosh.

Anurag  Kashyap has already rubbished all the allegations of sexual misconduct levelled against him and announced on his twitter handle that he has been asked to remain silent. His lawyer has released an official statement on behalf of the filmmaker. Taking to his social media handle, Anurag Kashyap shared a statement from his lawyer Priyanka Khimani where she stated that her client has been deeply pained by the false allegations of sexual misconduct that have recently surfaced against him. It also said that all the allegations are false.