Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who has been recently accused of sexually harassing actress Payal Ghosh, took to social media to share an official statement by his lawyer on Sunday night.

While Anurag had already rubbished all the allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against him by actress Payal Ghosh, he announced on his twitter handle that he has been asked to remain silent.

Now, his lawyer has released an official statement on behalf of the filmmaker. Taking to his social media handle, Anurag Kashyap shared a statement from his lawyer Priyanka Khimani where she stated that her client has been deeply pained by the false allegations of sexual misconduct that have recently surfaced against him.

Along with the post, Anurag wrote, ‘And here is the statement from my lawyer @PriyankaKhimani .. on my behalf .. thank You’

Meanwhile, Payal Ghosh, who accused Anurag Kashyap of molesting and treating her badly at his house, will be filing an official complaint against the filmmaker at Oshiwara Police station in Mumbai today on September 21.

On the other hand, Anurag Kashyap received support from colleagues after MeToo row. Several celebrities from the industry have come forward to support the filmmaker, saying #MeToo movement should not be misused.