There has been a lot of conjecture about this but cat is finally out of the bag and Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas are going to have winter wedding in Jodhpur. Not just this, Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas's wedding dates have also been revealed. According to sources of TOI, βThe couple will have a 3-day wedding function and it will take place in Jodhpur. From 30th November to 2nd December, the wedding rituals will take place in this beautiful city.β
The source further reported, βIt will be a palace wedding for the lovely couple. Nick Jonas had recently come to India to join Priyanka Chopra for the wedding preparations. The couple visited Jodhpur to finalise the venue for their wedding. Priyanka and Nick have personally selected the location for their destination wedding. Both Priyanka and Nick have taken the personal charge to look into every detail of the wedding ceremony.β
Priyanka Chopra and Nick got engaged in Mumbai in August. It was private affair with family and close family friends.
Professionally Priyanka Chopra wrapped up London schedule for βThe Sky Is Pinkβ with Farhan Akhtar, Zaira Wasim and Rohit Saraf.