Other Bollywood celebrities also grace the occasion which include the 'Dhadak' jodi Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter too. The romance, emotions and dialogues from KKHH aren't yet forgotten and one such iconic scene between Srk-Kajol is the handclap-nose-flick scene that was Rahul and Anjali' favorite from their college days.
Janhvi and Ishaan got up on the stage at the event and recreated the scene that still defines friendship for manyand which will make you want to go back in time. This scene appears when Rahul-Anjali were in college and used to greet each other doing this and also later when Rahul the Daddy of little Anjali bumps into the saree-clad Anjali at the summer camp of his daughter after 8 years.
Check out the Janhvi-Ishaan version of Rahul-Anjali's scene.. below!
And here's the original scene between Srk-Kajol. Watch below: