New Delhi: It has been four months since the untimely demise of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The 'Dil Bechara' actor left for his heavenly abode at the age of 34. Sushant's sister Shweta Singh Kirti, who has been actively demanding 'justice' for the 'Raabta' star, deleted her Twitter and Instagram handles on Wednesday (October 14). Shweta has been quite active on social media after her brother's demise. She even posted a throwback video of Sushant on his four-month death anniversary and called him 'true inspiration'. It is yet not known why she deleted her handles on social media platforms.

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Yesterday, Shweta requested the fans to take part in a new campaign called 'Mann Ki Baat for SSR' and asked them to send taped messages to PM Narendra Modi. She wrote, "This seems like a good opportunity to raise our voices for justice and truth #MannKiBaat4SSR We can stay united in this endeavor and show that public is awaiting justice. I even want to thank my extended family to always stand by us. Much Love."

Shweta, who lives in the United States, has been crusading for justice for Sushant since his demise. She shared several throwback photos of the 'Chhichhore' actor on Instagram and sought justice for her brother through online movements and campaigns.

Earlier this month, Shweta posted Sushant's photo on Instagram along with the caption, "We will win," after the forensic department of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) ruled out the possibility of murder in Sushant’s death case.

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Sushant was found dead at his apartment in Mumbai on June 14. Three Central agencies including the CBI, the ED and the NCB are investigating the high-profile case.

The Enforcement Directorate, which had registered a case against Rhea Chakraborty under Prevention of Money Laundering Act on the basis of Sushant's father's complaint, is yet to find any large-scale misappropriation of funds from actor's bank account, a report in Mumbai Mirror said.

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