Since the late actor’s father K.K Singh lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty, many mysteries have been unfolding. People close to Sushant Singh Rajput are opening up more on the death case. Soon after the FIR was filed, Bihar Police set out for Mumbai to investigate the case and interrogate Rhea Chakraborty. But according to some reports, when Bihar Police reached the actress’ residence, she was found missing. Many layers are unfolding but the Mumbai Police and Bihar Police haven’t yet found out the reason behind SSR’s alleged suicide.

Sushant’s bodyguard, cook, gym trainer and others also shared their take on the case with the media. In the latest development, it has been reported by Republic that, when Bihar Police requested the Mumbai Police to share with them the details of Disha Salian’s death, the latter said they deleted the folder ‘by mistake’. Disha was Sushant Singh Rajput’s ex-manager who apparently committed suicide on June 8, which is 6 days before SSR’s tragic death.

The report also states that at first, the Mumbai Police was ready to share the details with Bihar police on Saturday. But, after they received a call, they told the team of Bihar Police that they have deleted the suicide case folder of Disha Salian inadvertently and added that they cannot find it. Bihar Police sources also confirmed that Mumbai Police has mistakenly deleted the folder.

The team of Bihar Police reached the Malwani Police Station in Malad on Saturday and were denied access of the records maintained by the Mumbai Police. Also, when Bihar police told that they can help the Mumbai Police in retrieving the file, they refused to give them access to their laptops.

On Sunday, Bihar Police will supposedly record statements of Disha Salian’s family and will also find out the key maker who opened the door on the day of Rajput’s death.

Watch this space for the latest updates.

ALSO WATCH | Rhea Chakraborty should come forth and cooperate in probe: Bihar DGP