New Delhi: The untimely demise of Sushant Singh Rajput has left everyone teary-eyed. The late actor’s death has also sparked several controversies online. A social media post, which claimed that Sushant’s former manager Disha Salian was pregnant with Sooraj Pancholi’s child, went viral in no time. Salman Khan’s name was also dragged into the controversy as the post alleged that the ‘Dabangg’ actor was trying to shield Pancholi. It was even said that Sushant knew about Sooraj and was about to expose him.

Sooraj Pancholi, while exclusively talking to ABP News, denied all the allegations and said that he never met Disha Salian in his life. The 'Satellite Shankar' actor also refuted the rumours of his tiff with Sushant.

Also READ| 'Sushant Used To Consider Me His....': Sooraj Pancholi Opens Up On Disha Salian's Controversy 

Disha Salian’s family has now issued a statement, urging the people to not spread rumours and be more emphatic. They requested everyone to not circulate fake news on social media.

"Dear All, Whoever is reading this, you may or may not be knowing us and Disha in person. But we all have one thing in common. We all are humans and have the ability to feel. Thus we hope you all understand our pain. We lost someone we loved. The loss is too deep and grave to be processed. It's a difficult situation for us as we are still trying to come to terms with her demise. But at the same time, what's more upsetting are the several unnecessary rumours, conspiracy theories and speculations that are not just fake but are also hampering the well being of her parents and close ones. While we continue to grieve our loss, we have only one request to everyone. Kindly help us heal by not encouraging, entertaining or spreading the fake rumours and news circulating around on social media by people who clearly have turned insensitive and are trying to take advantage of someone's death for their own vested interests," the statement read.

Check out the full statement!

Disha Salian committed suicide last month by jumping off a building in Malad. She was rushed to a hospital in Borivali where the doctors declared her dead. Disha Salian managed artists like Sushant Singh Rajput, Varun Sharma and Bharti Singh.

Also READ: Police Says 'Disha Jumped From Her Fiance's Room's Window' 

Sushant was found hanging from a ceiling fan at his apartment on June 14. Mumbai Police officers are currently investigating his suicide case. Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali was spotted at the Bandra Police station on Monday (July 6). The 'Padmaavat' director was quizzed for over three hours in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide case.