Mumbai: Sooraj Pancholi, who made his Bollywood debut with ‘Hero’ opposite Athiya Shetty, has found himself into the middle of controversy once again. A post, which went viral on social media, linked the actor’s name with Sushant Singh Rajput and his former manager Disha Salian’s death. The Facebook post claimed that Disha was pregnant with Sooraj Pancholi’s child and Sushant knew about it. Salman Khan’s name also got dragged into the matter as the post alleged that the ‘Dabangg’ actor supported Sooraj. Ever since the untimely demise of the ‘Raabta’ actor, several conspiracy theories have cropped up on social media.

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Sooraj Pancholi, while exclusively talking to ABP News, denied all the allegations and called them baseless.

When asked about the rumours of Disha being pregnant with his child, Sooraj said, “I have never met Sushant’s former manager Disha in my life; neither at a party nor alone. I came to know about Disha and her suicide through social media. The way Sushant and Disha’s suicide is being linked to me is wrong. It is all baseless. I am hurt by such allegations. I am already facing trial for Jiah Khan’s case. The case has severely affected my sister and she is now perturbed because of the speculations that are floating on the internet regarding Disha Salian’s death. I am also upset with the allegations against me. If there was any conspiracy in Sushant and Disha’s death, police would have known about it.”

Sushant’s demise has sparked several conspiracy theories online. Old articles of Sooraj’s tiff with the ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor have resurfaced on social media. Gossip mills have been buzzing with the rumours that Sooraj had a scuffle with Sushant in 2017 and the latter was planning to expose Pancholi after Disha’s death.

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“Although, we were not good friends but we never had an issues or fights with each other. When the article about our ‘tiff’ was published in a newspaper in 2017, Sushant called me and asked me to give a clarification to the newspaper. I issued a statement to the daily and refuted the rumours of a fight,” Sooraj said.

He further added, “Salman Khan has nothing to do with his. His name was deliberately dragged into the matter. It is being said that he supported me and sidelined Sushant because I belonged to his camp. Sushant used to consider me as his younger brother. He even invited me to the screening of Raabta. I was present at the screening of the film. If we had issues, why would he invite me to the screening?”

Sooraj said that he is also devastated after Sushant Singh Rajput's demise.

“We have no idea what Sushant and Disha’s families are going through right now. Their families must be feeling hurt after reading whatever is being written about the two. I also have a family. Think about the effect such baseless allegations have on them,” he said.

The ‘Satellite Shankar’ actor also revealed that he auditioned for Sushant’s debut film ‘Kai Po Che’ but he didn’t get selected.

“Later, Amit Sadh played the same character in the film. You can confirm the same from ‘Kai Po Che’ director Abhishek Kapoor,” he said.

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Sooraj, who made his acting debut with Salman Khan’s ‘Hero’, said that he had to struggle in the industry despite being a star kid. “If I were in Salman’s camp, I would have done 10 films by now,” he added.

Sooraj also opened up about Jiah Khan’s suicide case and said, “I am also facing problems because of the court case. Since the past 7-8 years, I have always showed up in the court without missing a single date. The case is getting delayed because of Jiah’s mother, who didn't attend the hearing.”