The case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death has taken an about-turn with his father filing an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty in Patna Police Station. The late actor’s father, K.K Singh filed a six-page long FIR against the ‘Jalebi’ actress and accused her of using Sushant for her financial benefits. The FIR has been booked under section 341, 342, 380, 406, 420, 306, 506, and 120B of the Indian Penal Code. Sushant’s gym trainer and his bodyguard have also disclosed some facts and the changes they had noticed in the actor post his relationship with Rhea.

ALSO READ| Sushant Singh Rajput’s Bodyguard Opens Up About The Allegations Against Rhea Chakraborty, Claims The Actress Must Be Probed

Recently, the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s friend Siddharth Pithani alleged that the late actor’s family have been pressurizing him to speak against Rhea to the police.  Replying to this, Vikas Singh, the lawyer representing SSR’s family questioned Pithani’s credibility. He revealed that he was the one who was providing information against the actress to Sushant’s family.

He said while speaking to a leading daily, “Till probably July 25, he was talking to the family and trying to help by telling them that Rhea Chakraborty has been instrumental in whatever happened to Sushant. Suddenly, he has done a volte-face. I don’t know what happened, but I hope the police get to the bottom of the matter soon and find out what role he (Pithani) played in this case and whether he has any information that he hasn’t shared.”

Vikas Singh also mentioned that if Siddharth has written the email to Mumbai Police, then how come Rhea used the email as a part of her petition filed in the Supreme Court to transfer the case from Patna to Mumbai. “It is very surprising. If this was written to only the Mumbai Police, how did it reach Rhea? By now when this mail is coming in the public light, Rhea is already mentioned as an accused now in the FIR, so there’s no question of the police sharing it with Rhea. If Pithani had sent it to Rhea, his credibility is in doubt. In that case, it was only set up to file it in Court.”

He also added that Pithani was staying with Sushant and even after finding out that the door was locked, he waited one and a half hours for his sister to arrive. The lawyer said, “This boy (Pithani) was living with Sushant and he was the one who discovered the dead body. So when he found the door locked, he did not open it until Sushant’s sister came. He waited for one-and-half hours.”

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On the other hand, Siddharth Pithani spoke to ANI on Friday and said that Sushant’s family member has told him to mention a 15-crore transaction in his statement to the police. He further added that he has no idea about this transaction and will only say things which he believes is true.

“Sushant’s family members told me about a Rs 15-crore transaction made by Rhea and asked me to mention this in my statement. I told his family members that I will only tell what I know and believe. They asked me to come to Patna. I met them after Sushant’s death. But this sudden mode of change, I do not know. After this, I contacted the police and told them everything. They have given me an email address to share the information. I told police that Sushant’s family is asking me to say some things in my statement. I wish I really know about these transactions. If I knew about it, I would have given the statement. I have no idea about this Rs 15 crore”, Pithani said.

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Though the reason for the actor’s death is still unknown, investigation on the case is going on thoroughly by the Mumbai Police and Bihar Police.