New Delhi: Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty is hogging all the limelight these days after late Sushant Singh Rajput’s father lodged an FIR against her at Patna’s Rajiv Nagar Police station. An FIR was registered against the ‘Jalebi’ actress under various sections of the IPC including abetment to suicide. Rhea filed a petition in the Supreme Court to seek transfer of the case from Bihar to Mumbai.
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The ‘Chehre’ actress broke her silence on the matter and issued a statement last week. She said that she has faith in the judicial system of the country.
“I have immense faith in God and the Judiciary. I believe that I will get justice. Even though, a lot of horrible things are being said about me in electronic media, I refrain from commenting on advice of my lawyers as matter is sub-judice. Satyamev Jayate. The truth shall prevail,” Chakraborty said in the video shared by her lawyers.
Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer Satish Maneshinde issued a statement on Monday (August 3) and said that the actress didn’t receive any summon or notice from Bihar Police till date. He also said that Bihar Police's claim that she is missing is not correct.
“The contention of Bihar Police that Rhea Chakraborty is missing is not correct. Her statement has been recorded by Mumbai police. She’s cooperated with police as and when called. Till today no notice or summons has been received by her from Bihar Police and they have no Jurisdiction to investigate the case. She has filed proceedings in the SC. She has sought transfer of the case to Mumbai. The case is Sub Judice,” the statement read.
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Sushant Singh Rajput Case: Rhea Chakraborty Is Not Missing, Bihar Police Didn't Send Any Summon To Her, Says Actress' Lawyer
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
03 Aug 2020 03:52 PM (IST)
Rhea Chakraborty's lawyer issued a statement and said that the 'Jalebi' actress is not missing, as claimed by Bihar Police.
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