New Delhi: The Narcotics Control Bureau, which is probing the drug angle in Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case, arrested Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Showik Chakraborty and SSR’s house manager Samuel Miranda after 10 hours of interrogation on Friday (September 4). They were produced before a court in Mumbai, which sent the two to NCB custody on a four-day remand till September 9.

ALSO READ | Showik Chakraborty Arrested: How The Drug Link Was Exposed In Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case

The drug law enforcement agency has arrested five people till now in including Showik, Miranda and Abdul Basir Parihar in connection with the case. According to NCB sources, Rhea’s brother used to order 'ganja' and marijuana from drug-peddler Parihar. The payments were made over Google Pay.

The NCB had registered a case against Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik, talent manager Jaya Saha, Sushant's manager Shruti Modi and Goa-based hotelier Gaurav Arya under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act on August 26. The agency registered the case after the Enforcement Directorate wrote a letter to it about the drugs angle.

A NCB official said that Rhea Chakraborty will be asked to join the investigation. Showik Chakraborty would be confronted with his sister to ‘clarify their individual role’. She is likely to be summoned for questioning tomorrow (September 6).

"The whole idea of taking custody remand (of Showik and Miranda) is to make people confront each other to clarify their individual role. So, yes we will be asking her (Rhea) to join investigation and may be some other people because we also need clarity as to who did what," NCB’s Deputy Director General of the south-west region, Mutha Ashok Jain was quoted as saying by PTI.

Satish Maneshinde, who is representing both Rhea and Showik, told Metropolitan Magistrate Joshi that the brother-sister duo has never consumed drugs and they are ready to take a blood test.

"As a matter of fact 5 Doctors who were consulted by SSR have made statements to police that SSR was under their treatment and that he had drug issues. These statements are in public domain. 5 house mates and helps have made statements to Mumbai Police that SSR consumed drugs and that it was much before RC came in his life. All of them were already living with SSR and were hired much before 13th April 2019. Both SC and RC have never consumed Narcotic / Psychotropic Drugs. They are both ready and willing to take a blood and drug test," Maneshinde said.

NCB raided Rhea Chakraborty and Samuel Miranda’s houses in Mumbai on Friday. They reportedly seized laptops, gadgets and other documents from Showik and Miranda’s places.

The NCB is the third Central agency to join the investigation in Sushant’s case after the CBI and the ED.

Meanwhile, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti shared a post on social media after the big developments were made in ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s death case.

ALSO READ| Showik Chakraborty Arrested: Sushant Singh Rajput’s Sister Shweta Singh Kirti Says ‘Great Start NCB’

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