New Delhi: Taking the charge in hands over the death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, a four member team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was seen in full swing on Friday (August 21), the first day of their probe in the highly sensitive case. After the Supreme Court of India earlier this week ordered the Mumbai Police to handover the evidences to CBI, several reports and speculations have emerged over the process and key suspects that the probing agency might begin the investigation.

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As per the latest updates, the central investigating agency officially launched their probe today and grilled Sushant's cook Neeraj and house manager Samuel Miranda.

If reports are to be believed, then the agency is also likely to interrogate the team of 5 doctors from Cooper Hospital who had carried out the autopsy of the late actor. Going by a report of Times Now, CBI might question the team of the five doctors about the procedure as well as various things related to the autopsy.

Meanwhile, earlier, reports came in that the CBI team will also collect the close circuit television camera (CCTV) footage from the Bandra flat where 'Dil Bechara' actor was found dead on June 14.

As per the reports, the probing team will examine the ‘CCTV tampering’ angle or if there were any technical glitches. The central probing team might also communicate with the company which installed the CCTV cameras and the company which carried out the maintenance of the CCTV cameras in order to know who all were active around Sushant's building.

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Sushant Singh Rajput was allegedly found hanging in his Bandra apartment on June 14, 2020. While his post-mortem report stated he had committed suicide, the case is being investigated by CBI.