Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor's wedding with beau Anand Ahuja is just a few hours away now. Yesterday (6th May), the wedding festivities of 'Neeraj' actress Sonam with Delhi based businessman Anand Ahuja started & now the familes are all set for the official mehendi ceremony. Sonam Kapoor is all set for the ceremony & her first pictures are out too. Sonam Kapoor is looking the epitome of besotted beauty in an Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla creation. She is looking super-gorgeous in a golden lehenga.

Check out her first pictures here:

Sonam at her mehendi (Photo: Instagram)

Anand-Sonam's first pic from mehendi ceremony

The Kapoors and Ahujas made an official announcement about the couple's wedding last week with the statement, "The Kapoor and Ahuja families, take great joy and pride, in announcing the marriage of Sonam and Anand. The wedding will take place on the 8th of May in Mumbai. Since it is an intimate affair, we request you to respect the family's need for privacy. Thank you for all your blessings and love, as we celebrate this special moment in our lives."

The wedding will take place according to Sikh traditions. Stay tuned for more updates!