Bollywood actress Nargi Fakhri, who made her debut opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Imtiaz Ali's film 'Rockstar', is one of the most hottest celebs of the industry. More than her film projects, Nargis remains in limelight due to her love-life. There were constant rumours regarding her relationship with 'Dhoom' actor Uday Chopra for a long-time. Now, from the last few days, there are reports of her growing closeness with American filmmaker Matt Alonzo. The duo is spending a lot of time together & their social media posts proves that they share a close-bond.

Nargis Fakhri (Photo: Instagram)

Few days ago, Matt confirmed being in a relationship with Nargis by posting a picture in which he is playfully grabbing her ‘booty’. He captioned the picture as, "When she moody, grab her booty. ????❤️ @nargisfakhri ???? @tyleraryai •
#couplegoals #champion #santamonica#mattandnargis #couple"

Check it out here:

Nargis Fakhri REACTS to reports claiming she is staying at Ex-Beau Uday Chopra's bungalow!

The hashtags '#Couple' and '#CoupleGoals' are making it very clear that Nargis & Matt are in love with each other.

For the uninitiated, Nargis & Matt met each other during the shooting of Dr. Zeus’s music-video 'Woofer'. Matt directed the music video and the couple hit it off during the same. After which they reportedly started dating each other.

Check out some more Instagram posts of the couple spending great time together:

IN PICS: Nargis Fakhri gives Oomph a whole new meaning with her super hot bikini avatar!

On the career front, Nargis was last seen in 2016 film 'Banjo' opposite Riteish Deshmukh & has films like '5 Weddings' with Rajkummar Rao, 'Torbaaz' with Sanjay Dutt & horror film 'Amaavas' in her kitty.