Shraddha Kapoor, who made her Bollywood debut with ‘Teen Patti’, turned a year older on Wednesday (March 3). The ‘Street Dancer 3D’ actress is currently busy celebrating her birthday with her family members and rumoured boyfriend Rohan Shrestha in Maldives. The tinsel town diva reached the exotic locales of Maldives to attend her cousin Priyaank Sharma’s pre-wedding festivities.

Shraddha’s brother Siddhanth Kapoor took to social media to share an adorable video from the celebrations. The duo had a blast as they danced together on the beach. They twinned in matching outfits while shaking a leg during the wedding celebrations.

Also READ: Shraddha Kapoor’s Cousin Priyaank Sharma & Shaza Morani's Hindu Wedding Postponed After GRAND Pre-Wedding Festivities In Maldives!

“Birthday moves with my raani before the vows taken for my brother and Shaza’s beautiful wedding! What a fairy tale,” the caption for the post read.

A fan club of the ‘Baaghi’ actress shared a video from her birthday celebrations on Instagram. Shraddha can be seen having fun with her family members and rumoured boyfriend Rohan Shrestha in the clip. Check it out!

Shraddha’s cousin and Padmini Kolhapure’s son Priyaank Sharma tied the knot with Shaza Morani on Wednesday (March 3) in Maldives. The two lovebirds had got hitched in a court marriage last month in Mumbai.

Several Bollywood celebs including Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor Khan wished the birthday girl on social media. Shraddha’s fans trended the hashtag #HappyBirthdayShraddhaKapoor on Twitter to celebrate her special day.

"Happiest Birthday @ShraddhaKapoor Keep glowing & growing. Stay blessed," Hrithik tweeted. Bebo shared a post on her Instagram story to wish Shraddha.

On the professional front, Shraddha Kapoor will be next seen in Luv Ranjan’s upcoming film. She will share screen-space with Ranbir Kapoor for the first time. The movie is slated to hit the silver screens on March 18, 2022.

Here's wishing Shraddha a very happy birthday!

PICS & Video: Shraddha Kapoor Performing Rituals With Aunt Padmini Kolhapure At Cousin Priyank Sharma’s Wedding In Maldives