Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor's daughter Misha Kapoor is missing her grandmother Neelima Azeem. The 'Kabir Singh' actor, who is a doting father to Misha and Zain, might be busy fulfilling his professional commitments but he manages to spent quality time with his kids. His little daughter Misha penned a letter for her 'Dadi', reminding her to call her whenever she is free. Mira Rajput shared a glimpse of Misha's handwritten letter on her official Instagram handle.

"Dear dad, missing you. Call when you when you are free. Love Misha," Shahid's daughter wrote. His wife posted the snap of the letter along with the caption, "Love letters." Fans dropped heart emojis on the post and flooded the comments section with their messages. Check it out!

Shahid's 'Jersey' co-star Mrunal Thakur also commented on the post. She wrote, "Awww." Misha's handwritten letter has touched the strings of the hearts of the users.

Shahid and Mira, who got married in July 2015, welcomed their first child, a daughter in August 2016. Their baby girl Misha is one of the most popular star kids in tinsel town. The couple became parents of a baby boy on September 5, 2018. They have named their son Zain Kapoor.

Last week, Ishaan Khatter shared a cute video of his mother Neliima Azeem wherein she can be seen asking him for the chocolates, which he decided to hide. She even scolded her son and asked him to return the chocolates as she wanted to gorge on them before her yoga session. Check out the 'lockdown edition' video right here!

On the professional front, Shahid will be next seen in 'Jersey'. The sports drama is slated to hit the silver screens on November 5, 2021. If things go as per plans, the movie will clash with Akshay Kumar starrer 'Prithviraj' at the box office. 

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