The 35-year-old actress early on Saturday shared an image of herself along with a group of girls and captioned it: "Pre wedding SHEnanigans! 12.10 a.m. the morning of...and still waiting for the dress! Fun times, memories."
On Friday, the "Mary Kom" actress took to her Instagram story video inside Treacy's studio filled with fascinator designs. "Ohhhh, now I get it!" the "Quantico" star captioned it.
She had gone for her hair fascinator fittings at designer Philip Treacy's studio on Friday.
Earlier moments after landing in Britain, Priyanka had posted a photograph of herself and said: "Welcomed by the UK sun."
On Saturday, Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry at St George's Chapel in Windsor. Prince Charles, her to-be-father-in-law will walk her down the aisle. Her father Thomas would be unable to attend the wedding, media reports said.
Meghan's mother Doria Ragland will accompany her daughter to the wedding.